Historically, beauty has often been associated with women, which is why most beauty advertisements have focused on them. However, in 2005, Lux decided to challenge this norm and change the game in India. Instead of featuring women, the brand partnered with Shah Rukh Khan for a soap commercial, shifting the gaze to men. In the iconic ad, SRK, half-naked in a bathtub adorned with rose petals, revealed the secret to his good looks – Lux. Nearly two decades later, this partnership remains etched in our memories, and the image of the “Lux Man” continues to hold a special place in popular culture.
We are a star-stuck nation that loves and reveres our stars (generally in the sports and entertainment space), and well, it is not surprising that brands receive a heavy push once they partner with these big names. From widening the reach to adding authenticity, there are numerous ways in which celebrity collaborations can help the brands. But in a time where a celebrity is endorsing over 20 ads, it becomes rather difficult to remember who is showcasing what. Furthermore, experts also note that in a bid to maximise reach, many brands end up doing lazy work and not utilising the star properly.