L-R (standing) Abhishek Joshi of Sony Pictures Networks, Sanjiv Dhiman of Cox and Kings, Robby Mathew of FCB Interface, Madhu Dua of Reliance Jio Infocomm, Rohan Mehta of Social Kinnect, Mitrajit Bhattacharya of Chitralekha Group and Viraj Jit Singh of KidZania, (Sitting) Zoya Pandey of Abbott, Anjana Ghosh of Bisleri, Sam Balsara of Madison World, KV Sridhar (Pops) of HyperCollective, Madhu Dutta of Raymond Ltd, and Veetika Deoras of Tata Capital Limited
Sam Balsara
KV Sridhar (Pops)
Anjana Ghosh
Madhu Dua
Abhishek Joshi
Zoya Pandey
Sanjiv Dhiman
Veetika Deoras
Mitrajit Bhattacharya
Viraj Jit Singh
Madhu Dutta and Rohan Mehta
Robby Mathew
Zoya Pandey
Viraj Jit Singh
Veetika Deoras
Sanjiv Dhiman
Sam Balsara
Robby Mathew
Mitrajit Bhattacharya
Madhu Dutta and Rohan Mehta
Madhu Dua
L-R (standing) Abhishek Joshi of Sony Pictures Networks, Sanjiv Dhiman of Cox and Kings, Robby Mathew of FCB Interface, Madhu Dua of Reliance Jio Infocomm, Rohan Mehta of Social Kinnect, Mitrajit Bhattacharya of Chitralekha Group and Viraj Jit Singh of KidZania, (Sitting) Zoya Pandey of Abbott, Anjana Ghosh of Bisleri, Sam Balsara of Madison World, KV Sridhar (Pops) of HyperCollective, Madhu Dutta of Raymond Ltd, and Veetika Deoras of Tata Capital Limited
As the number of celebrity endorsements keep rising, in an ever competitive ad world, the question remains: What creates impact? The celeb or the content?