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The lesson of my life

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Director, Videocon Industries Ltd

Being in the corporate field is a matter of learning – mostly experiential. Here I am sharing one of my life’s richest learning experiences.

In my childhood, I was the average kid, with extremely short hair, a toy gun perched on my shoulder and always roamed around the neighbourhood nonchalantly. To make me more virtuous, my family told me success stories of great personalities such as Mahatma Gandhi, Bhagat Singh, etc., and hoped they would inspire me.

One morning, I was asked to join my father for breakfast. Now in those days, I was always being told at home and at school that smart kids should be seen, not heard. It meant that I could not slurp down my noodles noisily or drag my feet on the staircase. Instead, I had to pay attention to etiquette. During breakfast, my father said, “Son, I think you should start taking life seriously. What’s your favourite activity these days?” I replied casually, “Cycling.” He asked, “Do you know cycling?” Surprised, I wondered why he was even asking a 10-year-old that question, especially as far as I knew, I rode the cycle quite well. My father looked at my surprised face and said, “Son, always remember one thing – life is like riding a bicycle; to keep your balance you must keep moving. Life is a balance between rest and movement.”

That 15-minute conversation with my father proved to be a turning point for me. I was sure that something had changed inside me. As the days passed, I grew up and joined the family business. By then, I was 21. I had always been interested in the business; in fact, I used to attend monthly review meetings and dealers’ meets, etc., even as a student. I looked forward to taking Videocon’s legacy ahead, and was motivated and geared to face the task. It was not easy. Unending challenges cropped up, and I realized that I had entered the merciless ‘real world’.

But though things were complicated, I continued to dream and implemented the right strategies. Constantly positive thoughts motivated me to shape my dream project of the Greenfield plant at Kashipur in Uttaranchal. There was a moment when I was confused about taking sensitive decisions that would shape the company’s future. I felt I needed my own little space to breathe and ponder over fresh thoughts and ideas. So I asked my driver to take me to the nearby garden. I sat on a bench and tried to forget everything for a while. I closed my eyes for a minute and when I opened them, I found a man teaching his little son how to ride a cycle. All of a sudden, I remembered my father’s ‘cycle lesson’ and his strong words - “To keep your balance, you must keep moving”. I was instantly motivated and knew how to balance things. Sometimes, thinking about your life and sorting out what you have learnt is just as important as embarking on a new venture.

Since then, there has been no looking back. I had promised myself that I would never stop dreaming big. It drove me to master the process of critical thinking and decision-making.

I know a lot of young aspiring leaders out there with dreams of their own; hope this story has a message for them.

Feedback: avd@videoconmail.com

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