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Simply having a good time

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By Anurag Bedi

Executive Vice President, Zee Niche Channels (Zee Café, Zee Studio, Zing, ETC, Zee Trendz), India


People often ask me what I like doing best when I’m not working, and I have always found it difficult to give a cohesive answer. How can you bracket what you like doing?


Today I may enjoy sports, tomorrow a game of poker, and later something else, but one common thread that links all of it together is my inherent social trait. I am a people person. I like spending my free time catching up with friends, be it over a movie, a game of squash or just conversations over a drink.


On weekends you will usually find me exploring new places in town, hosting parties for my friends or engrossed in some hardcore gaming. My Play Station is a permanent fixture in my life. There have been times when my friends and I have stayed up till the wee hours of the morning playing ‘Call Of Duty’ or ‘Tennis’ and it was only when we heard birds chirping outside that we realized the time!


Sports is another thing that I quite enjoy. I have been a sportsman all through my school and college years, and even today whenever I do get the chance I don’t refrain from playing a match or two. I enjoy the occasional game of squash or badminton with friends and sometimes a good swim on the weekends to unwind. I have always associated sports with fun and fitness; it serves as a perfect form of recreation.


I am also an avid fan of the movies who loves catching the latest releases along with his friends. A major chunk of my profession revolves around the business of movies, and one would think that being in this business would have taken the joy of watching movies out of me, while in fact it’s quite the contrary. I love everything about films, from how they are made to how much they will make.


So the next time someone asks me what I love doing when I am not working, I will simply tell them I am busy having a good time!


Feedback: anurag.bedi@zee.esselgroup.com

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