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There’s no future for content marketing. Appalled? No, I’m not kidding. The core purpose of content marketing has always been visibility. And stardust falls on us all, which means content marketing is a forever evolving playground. The players in this arena keep changing their tactics because, with every new strategy, a paradigm shift takes place. Yet, it’s all about the reach. How far can you reach out in the digital world to the target audience and convert them for good?

A well-established company comes up with a new kind of CTA where the prospective user interacts with a visual media format, in turn, increasing the chances of conversion. That’s all it requires; the word travels fast, and success roars louder when creativity shows its colours. The same goes for KPIs nowadays - engagement of a user is not just defined by likes, shares, and comments – parameters to assess the same have become more diversified with the new integrations. An Instagram story now comes with options such as ‘swipe up’ which redirects the user to a new link, polls which enable content marketing companies to take better surveys et al.

While there’s minimal investment and the ROI can be exponential, KPI still plays a major role. That said, only 21% of marketers succeed at measuring their ROI. The scope of measuring a content plan’s success seems to widen each day with evolving technology contributing largely to tracking progress. The number of impressions, interactions, and conversions, just like this, with different social media channels come different ways. Social media is also growing in tandem, which can be seen from different kinds of content format innovations. Custom content serves a precise purpose for a brand, and that is exactly what the future will look like. You’ll see an awareness campaign run through banner ads, surveys through conducting polls on different channels, a social message through blogs natively, promotion of a product/service of a brand by integrating it in videos, and soon a new demand comes in; there will be a new kind of element supplied for marketing. Basically, the future of content marketing is going to get as dynamic as technology gets, thereby helping to gain inputs from the prospective consumer and fetching target audience insights.

Just like any other marketing, content marketing also evolves and adapts to industry changes, as and when they occur. Promoting a piece of content among the relevant audience is what a brand has always sought. After that comes influencer communities and thereafter a company’s hold of influencers - precisely the number of influencers falling under their umbrella working dedicatedly for them.

Simply put, you should always be ready to adapt to technological innovations in your business plan, leverage its power in reaching out to your target audience and establish your brand story by implementing a channelized plan.

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